The Anti-Defamation League
has decided to litigate for the discontinuation of hosting of the web site

We want to explain “Why” and show “How” with court documents and other materials.

The Anti-Defamation League has instructed it´s Icelandic lawyer to ask Icelandic courts to compel 1984 Hosting Company to discontinue the hosting of the web site
Here we publish court documents, both in the original Icelandic language and in English translations.
We hope to display the entire development of this case in a fair manner. There are two reasons for this:
We will defend our hosting of this website all the way to the highest court in the land, if necessary. This is not the first time we have had to defend our customers and their rights in Court and it will probably not be the last time. But we do it gladly.
The 1984 team
There has been interest in this case from the international press as well as the local Icelandic press. The Associated Press and others have published stories on the matter, and we want to keep members of the press as well informed as we can.
We feel that it is important to display, with this example, how we mitigate and neutralize attacks on the freedom of expression by extremely powerful interests. We do that both for our current customers as well as for those seeking to publish or express themselves under challenging conditions or oppression.
1984 Hosting company’s name is taken from the title of the 1949 novel by George Orwell. People who choose the title of a dystopian cautionary tale for their company are in it neither for the money nor for the smooth ride. We are a freedom of speech host.
We serve the oppressed and the silenced, the hunted and the tortured and those who put their lives on the line to expose the powerful and the merciless.
We defend freedom of expression. We do it at extraordinary cost in legal fees, technical cost, cost of defending from large-scale attacks to our infrastructure and all this under serious threats to our personal security.
In our Terms of Service, we have this provision:
“1984 ehf. reserves the full and unconditional right to decide whether to terminate services to the Subscriber, with or without notice, if 1984 ehf. considers the materials stored by the Subscriber to be illegal, unethical or harmful.” The 1984 team
In house we refer to this as the Nazi provision, because even if we are a freedom of speech host, we will not have the fruits of our labor used to spread racism, anti Semitism, instigation of violence or hatred. We have taken down multiple Nazi sites, Jihad sites, sites encouraging violence, terrorist sites and sites endorsing anti Semitism.
We do this all the time. Because we despise racism, and will not tolerate it on our systems.
When we started getting accusations of anti Semitism, and allegations of there being instigation to violence on to the web site, we took that very seriously. These are very serious accusations. We investigated the site ourselves and found nothing of the sort.
This site is legal, legitimate political speech and there is no instigation to violence or hatred on it.
We will defend our hosting of this website all the way to the highest court in the land, if necessary, as we have done before and will doubtless have to do again. The 1984 team
Case documents
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